
第9回:『外国人から見た日本(東京) ~電車のエチケット~ Train Etiquette』


With over 13 billion passengers in Tokyo per year, the number of tourists using trains is quite high. While most countries have trains, some do not. Even so, countries that do have trains, may have different train etiquette than Japan.

First is ‘queueing’ or ‘lining up’. While passengers in most countries line up, some countries do not. Among those that do, there are different styles of lining up. For example, in some Arab countries men and women have separate lines, while in Singapore, passengers waiting to board queue to the left and right of the doors. If you see a tourist, confused as to how they should get on the train you can tell them the proper way to do so in three simple steps:
違いの第一は、列に並ぶことです。(英語では queueing または lining upと言います。)たいていの国で乗客は列に並びますが、並ばない国もあります。乗客が列に並ぶ国でも、並び方は様々です。例えば、アラブ諸国では男性と女性が別々の列に並びますし、シンガポールでは、(日本と同様に) 電車を待つ乗客はドアの左側と右側に並びます。電車の乗り方に戸惑っている観光客を見かけたら、次の3ステップで正しい方法を伝えてみましょう。

1.“Line up behind the yellow line.”
2.“When the doors open, let everyone get off first.”
3.“Once it’s your turn, enter the train, and move as far into the train as possible.”

The yellow lines are textured so that visually-impaired people know where to walk and don’t fall onto the tracks. They also tell passengers where to stand and wait for the train. While many Asian countries have these, other countries such as America, do not. Some tourists might not realize they have to stand behind them.

Another difference is women-only carriages. Most Asian countries have women-only carriages, but not all countries do. When you see a man trying to get onto a women-only carriage, explain the rules if you feel comfortable doing so. Here is a simple way to tell them:

“During the times on the pink sign, this is a women-only carriage. Outside of these times, anyone can ride them.”

Other important things tourists should be aware of are the priority seats, and the medical badges. Priority seats are situated near the door and marked as such. If you see an elderly or disabled passenger in need of a seat, feel free to guide them to the priority seats, and explain the purpose of these seats to them.

“These seats are reserved for the elderly, people with disabilities, pregnant women, and those with children. Also, if you sit here, make sure to put your phone on silent and turn it off when it's crowded.”

As you may already know, in Japan, there are two different types of medical badges, or key chains that tourists should also look out for. The first is the ‘help mark’ badge, which is a red badge with a white cross on it. This is for people with hidden impairments or invisible disabilities.

The second is the pregnancy badge, which is a white badge with a pink heart and a mother holding a baby. Women use it to show that they’re pregnant when they might not be showing yet.

You can explain about these badges in detail, as I’ve done above, or by saying a simple phrase such as:

"If you see someone with a red medical badge, or a pink pregnancy badge, please offer up your seat."

While there are many other types of train etiquette, these are the three most important. If you study and remember the example explanations above, you will have no problem explaining these etiquette tips to travelers.

イーオン講師 Kelly