第4回:『外国人から見た日本(東京) ~日本での喫煙について~ Japan as seen by foreigners - Smoking in Japan 』

In Japan, it is common courtesy to smoke only in designated smoking areas in order to contain second-hand smoke, and be respectful of non-smokers. This smoking culture where smokers and non-smokers respect each other is ingrained in Japanese society, and many foreign tourists can get a little confused where to smoke or where to avoid doing so. For example, in the U.K., it’s illegal to smoke in all public enclosed spaces (restaurants, cafes or bars), substantially enclosed areas (structures with a roof and an opening in the walls e.g. bus stops) and workplaces. So I was surprised when I came to Japan and saw that you could smoke inside, but not outside while walking around Tokyo.
日本では、受動喫煙を抑え、タバコを吸わない人を尊重するために、指定された場所のみでの喫煙が礼儀です。タバコを吸う人も吸わない人もお互いを尊重するこの喫煙文化が日本社会には浸透していますが、多くの外国人観光客がどこで喫煙したらよいのか、あるいは喫煙を避けるべきなのかわからず戸惑うことがあります。イギリスでは、公共の屋内スペース(レストランやカフェ、バーなど)や一部が囲われているスペース(屋根や壁が開いている建造物 例:バス停)、職場での喫煙は違法です。なので、私が日本に来たときに、屋内では喫煙ができるのに、東京の街中では歩きながら喫煙ができないことを知って驚きました。
In other countries, for example America, states like California and New York have some of the strictest measures in the world including outdoor bans in many parks, bans within meters of buildings, and a higher smoking age of 21. Yet in some states, the rules are more relaxed where you can still smoke in a bar or restaurant.
In Austria, you can smoke in your own office if you aren’t meeting clients, and bars can have smoking sections where they can take up half the building. In contrast, for Australia, many local councils also enforce bans on beaches and sports grounds, where you can be fined heavily for breaking these bans. Bans are also placed on enclosed public places and restaurants.
In order to be respectful of people who want to smoke or don’t want to be near smokers, it’s important for Japanese guides to know where these places are and how to communicate this to foreign tourists. In order to help foreign people understand where they can and can’t smoke and also how to avoid second-hand smoke, you can use the following phrases:
“I’m afraid you can’t smoke here, but there is a smoking area over there.”
“It’s against the law to smoke here. You will be fined 5000 yen if you do.”
“I’m afraid you are not allowed to smoke on the platform.”
“This restaurant has a smoking section. I recommend trying another place to avoid second -hand smoke.”
“You can ask the staff for a seat away from the smoking section.”
Guides must also be aware to mention to foreign tourists that vaping and the use of e-cigarettes also falls under the category of smoking. Foreign tourists might assume because they are using e-cigarettes, it is OK to smoke in certain areas. It is better that the guides inform them that this isn’t the case and they have to follow the regulations for smoking. Using expressions such as these can help:
“I’m afraid you can’t smoke or vape here without going to a smoking area.”
“Smoking or vaping is not allowed here. I can take you to the nearest smoking area.”
If the person responds that an e-cigarette is not smoking, you can say:
“In Japan, using e-cigarettes is considered smoking.”
By learning these phrases, it will become much easier to communicate smoking regulations to foreign tourists, in order to remain respectful of everyone in the greater Tokyo area.
イーオン講師 Gordon