
第6回:『外国人から見た日本(東京) ~日本と欧米での見た目のとらえ方の違いについて~ Features viewed differently between Japan and the West 』

One of the things that has surprised me the most about living in Japan is how open and direct people are in talking about physical features.

These discussions are usually good-natured and even complimentary; however, it’s important to note that they often lead to confusion and misunderstandings between Japanese and foreign people.

Why might these misunderstandings occur?

Firstly, it is important to understand that talking about physical characteristics may be more openly accepted in Japan, but in many western cultures - including where I’m from, the UK – discussing physical appearance is considered a sensitive topic and is best avoided.

Secondly, and probably the most important factor, is that certain physical features are viewed differently between Japan and the West.

I experienced one such misunderstanding in my first week working at my school in central Tokyo. My co-workers decided to throw a welcome party for me. While chatting and drinking, one of my co-workers started talking about my facial features by saying, “Paul, your face is so small! I wish my face was as small as yours!” Another then interjected with, “And your nose is big! I’m so jealous! I want a bigger nose.” Confused, I wasn’t sure how to react.

In the UK and most western countries, making comments about one’s ‘big nose’ will certainly elicit a confused reaction, and perhaps offend, as it’s not considered a desired feature.

There is another important factor to also consider here, which is nuances in language. Comments about nose size are lost in translation. While the direct translation from Japanese to English may sound like, “You have a big nose,” in Japanese the meaning is softer, and sounds like, “You have an eminent or prominent nose,” which is, as we know, a compliment. Though, most foreign people won’t know that.

Then there are comments about a small facial shape, which usually lead to confused reactions!

As we know, Japan has set beauty standards when it comes to facial shape, with the desired features being a small oval-shaped face with a v-line jaw (known as kogao). However, this concept doesn’t exist in the West.

In addition to the above examples, discussing features related to weight, age, or skin colour should be avoided.

In situations where you might accidentally confuse or offend a foreign tourist by making a comment about their features, you can say:

“I apologise if I caused you offence.”

“I meant this comment as a compliment.”

“In Japan, these kinds of comments are seen as compliments.”

You might be thinking, “Are there any situations when it is culturally OK to talk about physical features with foreign people?”

The safest answer would be that it’s OK when describing what a person looks like to someone who has never met that person before, but not directly to that person. Even so, it’s important to be careful with what features to describe. My advice: talk about safe and general features, like:

・ Hair colour and length
e.g., “She has long auburn hair.”
・ Eye colour
e.g., “She has light brown eyes.”
TIP: Avoid using “black” to describe eye colour. It has negative connotations. Instead, use “brown” or “dark brown.”
・ Facial hair
e.g., “He has a beard/goatee/moustache.”
(例:彼にはひげがあります。 *beardは頬まで覆う口回りのひげ、goateeはあごひげ、moustacheは口ひげのことです。 )
・ Height
e.g., “He’s tall.” / “She’s kind of short.” / “He’s average height.”
(例:彼は背が高い。/ 彼女はちょっと小さい。/ 彼は平均的な身長だ。)

In summary, it is safer to avoid bringing up appearance altogether with your foreign guests. Let’s respect the fact that cultures view talking about physical features differently, and appreciate what makes life so fun and interesting is that we all come in different shapes and sizes!

イーオン講師  Paul